Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Trilogy Ends

I alluded to the closing of a certain crucial chapter in my life in my last post. In fact, I'm such a sucker for all things symbolic I actually chose to end my 'trilogy' on the last day of the year, at the close of a decade.

My trilogy; it's my 3-season stunt with my current employment. It's very interesting and rather amusing to many that I left and returned to this company TWICE. Hence the trilogy, and, now it's time to end the trilogy, well, technically I have 12 days to go before my grand exit. All in all the trilogy totals up to almost 7 years (seven year itch? LOL!)

The closing of this chapter not only points to the end of this trilogy, it also ends my decade long career in the field of brand management and marketing. The turn of the decade sees my taking a bold step to move out of the high and lofty pinnacle of branding to the challenging depths of the advertising agency business.

Why am I doing this you may ask? Have I gone mad to take the path less ventured? I even get the typical but standard retort of why would you move from BRAND (mastery) to AGENCY (slavery)? Haa, I have masochistic tendencies, I tell them. I thrive on being pushed about! LOL! Well, truth is, I've hit a painfully stale plateau in my career, it's high time for a change; to move out to the wilderness and make my way in the world. Well, also because after much exploration, a divine opportunity came at a most pressing and opportune time. I've been looking at all the wrong places when whammbamm suddenly there was an open door! Anyway I'm so jaded right now, I am willing to put up with anything that's NEW and DIFFERENT, leaving out the factor of GOOD or BAD. Let's just say I'm the kinda girl who prefer to hang out with the Angel she doesn't know rather than the Devil she's known all her life. The unexpected vs the predictable? Something like that *wink*

So ... I truly believe the new decade will bring much excitement for me; a new industry, a new environment, new learnings and new friends. What's a better way to start a new decade than with new heights to scale, new depths to explore and a new traffic route in the morning huh? I'm oozing with optimism and and excitement as I write! *double somersault*

I don't know if I'll be busier than I've ever been or if I'll have more blog-time, but I do know for a fact that once I'm out of brand management, I can blog a whole lot more freely! Now I'm looking forward to that! :)


PB said...

Here's to new challenges! All the best in your new job :D

Shortcake said...

Thanks Paris! I'm looking forward to it :)